Foreclosure and Utility Shutoffs

Foreclosures and Utility Shutoffs Rate Rises with Warmer Weather As the weather is starting to warm up and summer approaches, lenders and service providers partake in their own “spring cleaning.” During this time of year, the amount of foreclosures and utility shutoffs tend to rise. Due to the extremely cold and harsh winter, utility bills…

Siddons Prevails as Appellate Counsel for City of Philadelphia’s Bondholder in Case Involving Municipal Claims and Tax Liens Act.

The Commonwealth Court’s decision on April 8, 2014 in Damar Real Estate, Inc. vs. U.S. Bank, N.A., et al, (citations omitted), reaffirmed the long held view that in order for a judicial sale to be valid, the provisions of the Municipal Claims and Tax Liens Act, 53 P.S. §§7101-7505 (“MCTLA”) must be strictly complied with.…

Home Improvement Contractors Beware

Dear clients-if you operate a home improvement business and are inclined to sue a homeowner who failed to pay for your services, take heed. Home improvement contractors must abide by an ever-increasing “thicket” of consumer protection statutes. The Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act, (“HICPA”) is one such statute. 73 P.S.§ 517.7(a) of HICPA states-“No…