November 28, 2022

Are you entitled to full pay if injured at work?

Many workers understandably go through many mishaps while at work and become injury victims without knowing their rights and what is due to them.

In a bid to avoid expenses, employers may not even inform their employees about the rights and privileges accorded to them when such events occur.

In some cases, the injured worker goes on to cover the needed expenses on their own when they could have demanded benefits from their employers.

In this article, we shall provide an answer to the topic and explain how you can take legal action after getting injured at work.

What You Need to Know About Work Accidents and Full Compensation

It is already a fact that thousands of workers become injury victims each year, as proven by the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which recorded a total of 4,200 fatal injuries in 2020.

To answer the question posed, No, you are not entitled to full pay if injured at work. You are only entitled to compensation or a benefit that covers part of your expenses if you are injured at work.

The employer’s workers’ compensation insurance only covers some of the injuries you incurred during the work accident.

Although there are some exceptions, it is highly uncommon for employers to choose to pay the full cost of any injuries you may have sustained while working.

What matters most is that you get the compensation that is legally yours. You could also hire the services of a lawyer for counseling and to know the right amount of compensation that is due to you.

Common Accident Injuries You May Encounter at Work

There are various accidents and injuries you may encounter at work. Depending on their severity, these injuries determine how much compensation you can expect from your employer. That said, here are the common accident injuries below:

Muscle strains from heavy lifting

You have a high chance of developing muscle strains if you constantly lift heavy objects yourself, especially without the right training. You could also develop neck injuries, back injuries, and spinal cord injuries in extreme cases.

Trips, slips, and falls

Trips, slips, and falls often happen when your workplace is untidy and there are water puddles or slippery floors.

Should you be a victim of a trip, slip, or fall, you will likely suffer from bone fractures, soft tissue injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even death in much worse scenarios.

Collisions and crashes

Collisions and crashes are quite common in the workplace, and most times, they happen because objects are lying around in places where they shouldn’t. 

In other cases, it could result from a serious impact on a vehicle, such as a car, leading to motor vehicle accidents or automobile accidents at your workplace. Therefore, we usually put common car accident injuries and other types of vehicle or car accidents under this category.

Toxic fumes

Chemical factories and laboratories are just some of the places where you can inhale toxic fumes, which can lead to serious physical and internal injuries. This is why wearing safety equipment such as gloves, helmets, safety goggles, and face masks is crucial in workplaces with this type of setting.

Physical altercation

Physical altercations between workers are not uncommon in workplaces. If you get into a physical altercation at your workplace, you might develop serious injuries in the process, which will, in turn, hamper your work productivity.

How to Avoid Accident Injuries at Work

Having accident injuries is not something anyone desires to have, which is why it is important to put certain measures in place to ensure that these accident injuries are reduced to the barest minimum or completely avoided if possible.

That said, below are ways to avoid accident injuries in your workplace as an employer:

  • Emphasize the importance of safety
  • Maintain a clean and safe workplace environment
  • Avoid physical altercations
  • Organize training programs

These tips are just a few among many that can also be implemented. The goal is to ensure that the employees adequately adhere to them. That way, they will minimize accident injuries as much as possible.

How to Take Legal Action After Getting Injured at Work

Once an accident happens to you, you must first determine the extent of the injury and seek medical treatment if it is a serious injury, such as a traumatic brain injury.

If it is because of an auto accident that you end up as one of the victims, you should also get to the hospital quickly, as you may have developed car crash injuries.

Also, if you can take pictures of the scene where the accident occurred and record eyewitnesses explaining what happened, that would be great as well.

After this, hire a competent workers’ compensation lawyer, like one at Michael Alan Siddons, Esquire. Then, state your case, and the lawyer will take it up.

Your attorney would need to conduct a thorough investigation, examine the available evidence, and then negotiate reasonably with the workers’ compensation insurance company immediately for your employer to ensure that you receive just compensation for your injuries.


It is within your right as a worker to get some settlement or compensation from your employer if you are an injury victim at your workplace.

While many people are aware of cases of workplace accidents, few are familiar with how to file a claim properly. Call Michael Alan Siddons at 610-225-7500 if you feel you could be suffering from a work-related injury and are in need of legal assistance.

You can also visit us at MEDIA, PA 230 North Monroe S,treet, Suite A Media, PA 19063.

Alternatively, please email us at or fill out the form on our website.

At Siddons, we don’t bill our clients until after a settlement or jury verdict. As a result, we take extra care when assessing your case and gathering the required evidence to ensure we succeed in your favor.